søndag 10. mai 2009

48HOURS - Update

WHOY, what a rush!

We've spent the last 48 hours attending a short film competition, working day and night, drinking whatever contains caffeine and eating irregular meals.
Blood, sweat and tears? Nah, not all of them. Certainly the second, and almost the last...
Why, you might ask?
Well, simple questions deserves difficult answers. You see, we actually... Nah...

We just didn't make it.

Yup, that's right. We stumbled just befor the finish line, got cough in our own net or just Bæsja på leggen.

We ended up having some troubles exporting our final film when it came to deadline, and that was it.
But we actually made a film, and we're even happy with it! Quite stoked about it, that is.
The team put down some serious effort, with two cameras and several computers running almost non-stop. And wery soon you will have the pleasure of seeing it. Right here, pretty soon!

But first we'll have some sleep.

Good night!

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