fredag 25. desember 2009

Merry x-mas to err'body!


Trying to do some work on a mtb-edit, where I have to figure out how to combine material from an EX1 and a 5DmkII the best possible way. Currently converting the 5DmkII to 25fps, but not too sure what to do with the 50fps material from the EX1. After all, I do need 50fps for the slow-mo. If there is an easy way of including 25p material with 50p material, do not hesitate to fill in the details below in the comment-field.

Anyway; in my search for tutorials etc. I stumbled across these two tasty vids. Emjoy.

First out, "Prague" by Phillip Bloom

Prague: Canon 1DMKIV from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

And then, back to Blogotheque

Fleet Foxes - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Oh, crap. More from mr. Bloom. Pretty nice vid from Venice beach. Call it a travellogue if you'd like...

Venice's People: Canon 7D 24p from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Hope you're all enjoying a few days off!


2 kommentarer:

  1. Merry x-mas til deg også!
    hvis du klipper alt i en 50fps sekvens så kan du kjøre ting i 50% slow-mo der og så eksportere det som en proRes25fps til slutt.
    Trengs litt rendring underveis for å se 25fps-opptakene i full kvalitet, men det funker fett!

